Sunday, August 12, 2012


还记得今天, 正当我一个人吃早餐的时候,


自然而然, 服务生就来问,

"Mau apa?", 服务生道.

"...", 那家人什么也没说, 就指着那板上的图案, "薯条".

"Ohh ini eh? 1?", 服务生比手划脚着.

"...", 那家人的一家之主就一直点点头, 只为了他的孩子.

"Kena 5 minutes tau?", 服务生又在比手划脚着.

那一家之主看着妻子, 手语沟通着. 妻子点点头, 一家之主比了一个"ok". 

服务生马上进了厨房处理一切, 而那一家人就找了个座位坐着.

一家之主觉得要等五分钟, 马上又去厨上拿了一包零食, 开了开拿给孩子们吃.

孩子们不吵不闹, 最小的那一个, 抓着整包一直吃, 开心死了.

过了一阵子, 一家之主和他的妻子用手语聊起了天来.

总感觉就算他们的世界没有了声音, 他们依然有自己的一套来沟通啊, 教导孩子啊.

谁说, 没有了声音, 就是世界末日?

感谢我的父母, 感谢爱我的人, 感谢我的爱人.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blogger in my hand!

First of all, I'm busy about my work yet I can still blogging right now; Secondly, my workplace doesn't allow workers to bring laptop(s) but.never brag about bringing handphone(s); Last but not least, I'm using aOS to update my blog! Sorry for long waiting!

Anyway, currently work as a waiter and going to quit soon to prepare for my College life. Yay! I'm going back to school again!

On my workplace. It getting boring and boring. The passion of working distinguishes appearantly. #ineverdoitagain

Relationship, we're getting better and better. #don'tdisturbus

I'm tired seriously. Wanna sleep now! :(

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Yeeharr. I'm back. Finally?

Mmmmmm... Finally I got the mood to blog now. *Yawns*. Heyy everyone out there, I'm official OUT of PLKN!

Anyway, just right after PLKN, I admitted to hospital because of Diarrhoea or so called "Food Poisonous". I stayed in 5 stars hotel for around 2 days. The breakfast was... Extremely... Nice. Thanks PLKN. :3

Was thinking to blog fews week ago. Uhh, but laziness "da bao" me up. So... Until today, I'm like got "kit" to fly on my keyboard.

Moon hunt! Moon hunt!

A closed up moon and a full moon. Taken on 06 Apr. :)

Kayy, yesterday... "Happy Birthday to SAB!". 50 years. Mm... Changed a lot I guess?

So far... So good. 

1 year - 6 month - 2 days. I love you.

Friday, January 20, 2012

A day in REDBOX.

Today, I went to SMK Aminuddin Baki. Waw, it's been a long time (Actually it don't counted as long but it's long.) I never visit though. Well well, today I went and there's an event going on. Backdrop doesn't attract much but it's full of hardwork. Mr. Saif is not around so the backdrop went very simple. Then, I suprised Pn. Zalifah! Wahahahaha. Then went to find Pn. Tan, Pn. Ong, Pn. Liow. Teachers still remain the same, but they complained much! Umm... My juniors, you guys got to "suffer" already.

Anyway, after finish "meeting" with my teachers, I was stood behind dewan to find friends. Bii walked towards me but I don't know (Well, I'm going to be dead meat.). Anyway, I finally saw Bii! The first sentence she said was "Waw, you're so so so so black.". Then, had a meeting with juniors. After that, that's the time for me to dating but we went Redbox @ Pelangi.

Tada, that's the redbox we went today!

We having FUN inside. Mwahaha. Although my condition was not good enough to sing but I... just want to SING! S-I-N-G, SING! 

柳树下 - 谢和弦

那是一個 人見人愛的傍晚 他們在仁愛公園旁的柳樹下
男孩牽著女孩的手 製造了浪漫 那時候還不知道 KTV有屋頂唱
此時 男孩從口袋掏出了吉他 開始 他對著女孩唱著 我要把你娶回家
女孩低著頭 害著羞 沒有回答 她說她想要寫在紙上
男孩下了決心 他去提了親 那年他二十一 女孩的父親 說玩音樂沒出息
他組了兩個樂隊 每天趕場湊聘金 舞廳 演奏完了趕著去歌廳 
鋼琴 也可以代班 也拉小提琴 女孩的父親終於感受到他的真心
於是他對著男孩說 我把女兒交給你
男孩撐起家計 女孩冠了夫姓 家裡所有雞毛蒜皮的事情 女孩都一手打理
每天吃飯時間 她煮的菜 不會輸給餐廳 
有天 他們當了爸爸媽媽 接著 又升格當了阿公阿嬤 
再次回到公園裡 她告訴孫子 這是他們當年一起寫的柳樹下

柳樹下 有睡蓮 蓮葉上 雨珠成雙 
我要把那珠兒串 代替我訴情話
送給你一串串 陪著你到白髮

那是女孩寫的詞 男孩譜的曲 那是他們相愛的紀念品 放進時光裡 任歲月流去 
他說 女孩真的真的很偉大 她把大半輩子都奉獻給這個家
他說 我們都要乖乖聽話 要記得放假 常常回來看阿嬤
是阿嬤教我閩南話 要怎麼講 是阿公教我站上舞台 怎麼放
我都依然記得 從來都沒有忘 當我想家 我就踏上車子回老家
男孩 依舊是那麼英俊瀟灑 女孩 依舊是那麼和藹慈祥
那天 在醫院裡的病床旁 我聽見 我看見 男孩對著女孩唱

柳樹下 有睡蓮 蓮葉上 雨珠成雙
我要把那珠兒串 代替我訴情話
送給你一串串 陪著你到白髮

That's the song I can't forget, rapping meaningful sentences. 10/10. *Bravo*

Thanks baby, I love you and sorry for letting you to get over tuition center with big rain alone.
Sorry baby. I love you.

Thanks for everyone for today. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm on the middle of PLKN!

Well well, guys, I'm back! I'm back for 7 days! 7 days! Woohoo!

23-01, Bii birthday;
25-01, Dad birthday;
26-01, PLKN.

PLKN doesn't looks like what you guys imagine, it's actually fun! I'm not comforting myself but, it's so happening. I can't believe that I'm joining this! I met a lots of friends! All boys la of course. 6 meals one day, let me just list out huh...

0730, Breakfast;
1030, Teatime; 
1230, Lunch;
1630, Teatime;
1830, Dinner;
2100, Teatime; 
xxxx, Supper...

But my weight still remain! Gah... My skin... I think tanned than before. Oh my... Whatsoever, I'm going to meet my dear tomorrow, my BELOVED teachers, and my kesian Juniors. Anyway, I hope everything goes smooth!

Long time never update, was reading all my blog posts just now. :)

Thanks Dear, Thanks brothers in PLKN, Thanks PLKN. You guys brought me new experience. 

Dedicated to Dear,
I'm sorry if I couldn't company you all the time.
I did what I promised to you.
I love you.

Friday, November 11, 2011

111111! OMG! Six 1!

iPhone 4s, when you will "come to papa?"

Hye guys! Well, the iPhone 4s, it's just a... Introduction of what I'm going to blog for today. It's "kinda" a freaking long time that I never blog. Just done a hot bath, and I'm now very relaxing.

First of all, today is 11/11/2011. Well, my Bii followed her friends and bought something. Anyway, she has got a special BearBrick. Here's the bearbrick look like...

It's named Hanakuma Be@rbrick. 
The chance of getting this is... 1:192
Thanks to Google! (Y)

For me, 11/11/2011 is my last day in SMK Aminuddin Baki. 

SMK Aminuddin Baki *Salute*

In SMK Aminuddin Baki, things had gone throughout for me 5 years. No matter in my studies, my curriculum activities such as Interact Club, as a Editor; Lensa Kreatif (You got me yo!), as a President; Olahraga (Sports); Volleyball (I will never for you!); and much more. This is just one part of me study in SMK Aminuddin Baki for 5 years. The best parts were... My Bii, and my friends. IF it's not SMK Aminuddin Baki, I would never get to know you guys, and also, my Bii. Isn't this all arranged by God? It's so happening. 

11/11/2011, last day of school;
11/11/2011, I'm still not in the mood of SPM;
11/11/2011, I get pass today very simple;
11/11/2011, I never think of  you're mine until now, 1 years 1 month and 5 days;
11/11/2011, thanks God, we're still here. 

You guys filled my life well, with and without obstacles, it's really happening. The last day of our school, 2 more days to our future, 1 month we can't meet each other (Of course it's me and my bii laaa), 1 month, I'm having exam. 1 month, we're going to graduate SERIOUSLY, 1 month, that's all. 

To everyone out there who are taking SPM, good luck, god bless you, and of course me! :)

11112011, thanks. I love her.

Thursday, October 13, 2011



是很久下了... (打, 巴两巴下去!)

慢慢慢慢, 每天都在打...

传来传去, 最后丢进篮筐,

射不进. (狂打!)

不管怎样, 我热爱运动.


我爱她. :)
大孩子  小孩子